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  Privacy Policy
  • All information relating to individuals still living is witheld from viewing to all unregistered viewers of the TAHS website.
  • Access to view details of living individuals has been limited to those who have registered an account with us. Whether individuals are living is based upon information found in obituaries uploaded to the website. Out of an abundance of caution, people are assumed to be living unless we can prove otherwise or information is submitted to us.
  • All information on this website is to be considered "as is". We make no representation as to the accuracy or reliability of the information and therefore will not be liable for anything that you do with it that may cause you financial, physical or emotional harm.
  • Upon notification that any material on this website infringes on the privacy rights of an individual or group, we will remove the questionable material at once, regardless of whether the material falls within the bounds of the guidelines described above.
  Copyright Policy
  • The information found here is intended for genealogical, informational and/or educational use only.
  • You may reuse the information found here provided that you give credit where credit is due. In true genealogical research, this is an expectation and requirement. You should also verify information found on this website with other sources.
  • Under no circumstances may you attempt to reuse material found on this website for commercial purposes. Some images may show a watermark to prevent duplication.
  • You also may not publish either in print or electronic form (i.e. another website) any information that is found here that is only available to registered members or is designated as copyrighted by the Tully Area Historical Society (TAHS).
  Registration Information
  • Registration is free at this time. Volunteers have spent years transcribing, organizing and creating records that would otherwise have been lost to time. As our organization is donor dependent, you can express your appreciation of the work available online and at the society itself by sending us a donation via the US mail or via PayPal (see the bottom of any page for email & snail mail addresses or donation link).
  • Requests for registration may be made by filling out the form on the Registration Page.
  • The information you provide on the Registration form will not be made available to anyone other than the webmaster for any reason.
  • We reserve the right to be the sole decision maker as to who may be a registered member and the level of information that can be accessed by each member.
  • By using the login process, members agree to abide by the privacy policy and copyright policies of this website.
  • You also agree that you may not give out your user id and password to anyone else, unless we grant specific permission for you to do so.
  • We reserve the right to cancel any and all memberships at any time for any reason.
So, having said all that, I hope your visit will be interesting enough that you'll want to come back often. I'd also like you to inform me of errors you find. Comments are welcome and please, enjoy your stay!
     Nancy Porter
     Tully Area Historical Society